After going to Wicca 101 for a couple weeks, I was fortunate enough to attend ConVocation in Dearborn, MI, last weekend. It was amazing. I had a blast, met some wonderful people, and took some awesome classes. I also had the chance to witness a ritual to honor Athena and welcome wisdom back into the world, celebrating Her birth from the forehead of Zeus, with Hephaistos wielding the axe that broke great Zeus' head open.The Ar nDraiocht Fein (ADF) ArchDruid was the one who led the Athena ritual.
Everything that the ADF ritual did spoke to me on a deep level. I was enthralled, and the husband said I was glowing after it. It was amazing. Previously that weekend, the Senior Druid for my local grove led a class on Hellenismos, the reconstructionism of the ancient Hellenic religion, and what he said made me question whether or not I wanted to continue with my current path or go back to Hellenismos. He was very frank in laying out what Hellenismos was and what it believed, and how kharis (reciprocity) was very important, which is something I truly believe in and can get behind.
That class, coupled with the Athena rite, have decided it for me. At least for the present, I am going back to Hellenismos. I am going to work tomorrow to develop a practice that I can do at home, and instead of following a dogmatic ritual that someone else set up, I will research and write my own.... or at least, use some language from Homer and the Orphic Hymns. I will do the work this time, rather than just taking a ritual and saying it.
I need to write a series of daily prayers, one for morning and evening, as well as a blessing for meals... lots of prayers to write! I also need to structure what I'm going to do according to the ancient Hellenic month. Perhaps I'll throw it in my Witches Datebook and make note of what happens when in there. Lots to do!
Back to Druids for a moment. I think I'm going to join ADF. I went to their coffee hour this week to meet up with them and see what they are like. They're nice people! I was very nervous going in to Olga's to meet up with them and I was able to have dinner with three of the Druids, before going down the plaza for tea with more people. It was a nice evening, everyone was incredibly sweet to me. They seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say and liked my set of Greek Alphabet Oracle tiles that I made.
Greek Alphabet Oracle |